Premarin solves problems with Menopause

Menopause is a normal physiological process of aging of the female body, which occurs with the extinction of the function of the ovaries and the completion of the reproductive period of a woman's life. This is not a disease, although it can be accompanied by a number of negative signs that affect the full functioning of the female body. There are many definitions of menopause premarin online sale, but women should understand that it is impossible to avoid menopause. Often menopause is called a climax or menopause, and the symptoms that occur during this period are menopausal syndrome.

Eastern women perceive menopause as an integral part of their life, so they have no fear of menopause and, in fact, there is no talk of menopause. Women in North America and Europe are under constant pressure from society as a result of some negative statements and publications that, with the onset of menopause, a woman loses her sexuality, partially dies as a woman, loses her attractiveness of personality, etc. Such public pressure leads to the fact that many women perceive menopause as a serious disease, creating a vicious circle of additional problems. For many, talking about menopause has become fashionable and important in their daily lives.

According to the WHO classification, there are the following types of menopause:

  • Natural (physiological) menopause
  • Artificially induced menopause (after removal of the uterus, chemotherapy, radiation exposure)
  • Premature menopause (up to 40 years)
  • Premature ovarian failure (premature ovarian aging)

There are three phases of menopause (the name "menopause" does not quite correspond to the concept of "period", as it expresses only the moment - a pause, but this is the most popular term for a long period of changes in the female body).

- First phase: perimenopause, or premenopausal period. Usually this is a short period before the true menopause and the absence of menstruation during the year.

- The second phase: menopause - cessation and the constant absence of menstruation with the extinction of the function of the ovaries, or menopause.

- The third phase: postmenopause is a period that begins in the year of absence of menstruation, and lasts until the end of a woman's life.

Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 40 and 55, but most often in 50-51 years. Only 10% of women have physiological menopause without violations of the menstrual cycle. One of the female sex hormones, 17β; -estradiol, which plays an important role in the performance of the reproductive function of a woman, is produced primarily in the ovaries of the male sex hormones, androstenedione and testosterone. A small amount of this hormone is produced by the adrenal glands. In the process of aging of the ovaries, the number of growing follicles in them decreases, which leads to a significant decrease in the production of 17β; -estradiol.

Therefore, in women in menopause, there is a shortage of this hormone, which is partially offset by a greater production of 17β; -estradiol in the adrenal glands. The dominant hormone in postmenopausal women is estrone, which is also produced by the adrenal cortex (95%) and partly by the ovaries (5%). In practice, all female sex hormones in women in menopause are produced from androstenedione by the adrenal cortex. Since menstruation becomes irregular, the level of 17β; -estradiol begins to fluctuate, and with the termination of menstruation drops sharply, which leads to an increase in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

The lowering of the estrogen level is the key point of menopause, and this decrease is accompanied by the appearance of various symptoms, for example, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, etc. Low estrogen levels lead to calcium leaching from the bones of the skeleton and development of osteoporosis, aggravation of cardiovascular diseases, dry skin, Vagina, worse teeth.

70% of all women with the approach and establishment of menopause experience vasomotor symptoms, which are most often manifested as hot flushes - a feeling of strong heat that spreads throughout the body for 1-5 minutes, turning into a feeling of cold (trembling). Sometimes hot flushes are accompanied by a discoloration of the skin. If they occur during sleep, the woman experiences severe sweating. Smoking women, as well as women leading a sedentary lifestyle and obese, the frequency of hot flushes is higher than in other categories of women. Unfortunately, the mechanism of occurrence of hot tides to the end is not studied and is not clear.

All over the world, there is a search for effective methods for treating hot flushes, so people involved in various occupations related to health and human diseases are involved in this process. Changes in lifestyle, herbal collections, acupuncture, magnetic resonance therapy, massage, meditation have been popularized for several years already from TV screens and press pages.

To confirm or disprove the positive effect of a number of "revolutionary" drugs and methods for treating menopausal vasomotor symptoms, many countries have conducted and are conducting extensive studies for 40 years, including clinical ones, on the basis of scientific and medical centers. The results of many clinical studies have shown the positive role of placebo in eliminating or reducing hot flushes in 50% of cases, which led scientists to the idea that the problem of tides arises in a woman's thoughts.

If a woman can intelligibly explain the processes taking place during menopause, the occurrence of hot tides can be reduced or even eliminated without drug or alternative intervention. The use of estrogen in combination with progesterone or without it can improve the situation with hot flushes in 75% of women. Thus, hormone replacement therapy is the most effective method of treating hot flushes and a number of other symptoms of menopause.

In connection with a decrease in the level of estrogen, the mucous cover of the vagina pale, thin out, smooth out, lose its elasticity, is more often exposed to infection, which can be accompanied by sensations of dryness, burning, pain, especially when having sexual intercourse. About half of all postmenopausal women complain of vaginal dryness. This condition is called atrophy of the vaginal mucosa. Many women experience pain when urinating. The assumption that women taking hormone replacement therapy, do not experience dryness, turned out to be false. 40% of women using HRT have mucosal atrophy and vaginal dryness. A third of postmenopausal women limit sexual contact because of this problem.

Atrophy of the vagina is a normal process of aging, in which many structural parts of the urogenital system are involved. Urogenital atrophy is accompanied by a decrease in the size of the uterus, ovaries, vagina and vulva. The thickness of the endometrium is also decreasing. The wall of the vagina loses connective tissue, muscles, becoming less elastic. The mucous membrane of the vagina becomes thinner. Blood supply to the pelvic organs decreases, so the vaginal mucosa becomes more sensitive to trauma and infection. As the amount of lactobacilli decreases, the acid-alkaline environment of the vagina changes - the pH rises to 5.0. This leads to the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms and frequent exacerbation of vaginal infections. The number of estrogen receptors that are present in the vulva, vagina, bladder, pelvic floor muscles, urethra, decreases. The level of estrogen in postmenopausal women also decreases, which aggravates the aging process of the woman's reproductive system.

All types of treatment of urogenital atrophy can be divided into the following groups:

  • Modification of lifestyle (smoking cessation, regular sex life, masturbation, balanced nutrition)
  • Non-hormonal treatment (moisturizing fluids and creams, lubricants)
  • Hormone therapy (HRT, hormonal ointments and creams, rings, tablets)
  • Treatment of systemic diseases

It is proved that regular sexual life improves the blood circulation of the pelvic organs and prevents rapid aging of the vaginal mucosa, which in turn prevents the occurrence of dryness of the vagina. Masturbation also increases blood circulation in the uterus, vagina, vulva, which is a positive factor for a woman's health.

In the transition period of menopause, many women (38-40%) experience sleep disorders, most often in the form of insomnia. Sleep disorders are due to hot flushes, the appearance of shortness of breath, fever. Insomnia can also be associated with the onset of depression, as many postmenopausal women suffer from depression.

Occurrence of periodic bleeding from the vagina (abnormal uterine bleeding) can occur in the perimenopause and early postmenopause. If such bleeding occurs one year after stopping menstruation, a woman should see a doctor and get a check-up. Another negative sign of postmenopause is the appearance of excess weight. On average, women recover by 2-5 kg ​​during this period.

A sedentary lifestyle exacerbates problems with the accumulation of excess weight. Half of women may have permanent or transit pain in the joints and muscles, so many doctors recommend calcium and glucosamine preparations to postmenopausal women. The skin becomes dry and flabby, covered with wrinkles, pigment spots. During this period, it is very important not to miss skin cancer, which in appearance can resemble senile skin spots. During the period of postmenopause, the number of cataracts and glaucoma from the side of the visual system increases. Many women need dentures.

Of particular concern are the problems of the genitourinary system - urinary incontinence and inflammation of the urinary tract. The mood and emotional state of postmenopausal women also undergo changes. The lack of moral and social support is often accompanied by the development of depression, irritability, lability of emotions. It is also important to consider the growth of cardiovascular diseases and cancer in this period of a woman's life.

There are many rumors that with the onset of menopause, a woman loses her sexuality, and therefore, can not lead a sexual life. Sexuality is not related to sex life, and it can be like a teenage girl or an elderly woman. With the onset of menopause, many women have a psychological barrier to continued active sexual activity, fear that sexual contact will be accompanied by pain and discomfort, and therefore the desire and sexual desire to have sex temporarily decrease. Other factors related to systemic diseases (hypertension, thyroid disease, diabetes, arthritis) are added to psychological factors, as well as the use of medications that can suppress sexual desire.

Atrophy of the vulva can make sexual contact difficult, causing pain and discomfort. Estrogen reduction leads to a decrease in receptor sensitivity and less satisfaction during sexual intercourse. A survey of postmenopausal women for sexual disorders should be conducted by a sexologist or sex therapist, preferably with the involvement of a partner. Determination of the hormonal level in this case is not advisable, but it is important to eliminate infectious and neoplastic diseases of the genitourinary system and the large intestine.

In recent years, talk about phytoestrogens has become popular. Phytoestrogens are organic substances of vegetable origin, representatives of the class of bioflavonoids, showing estrogenic properties. Phytoestrogens include flavones, flavonones, isoflavones, cumestans, lignans and chalcones. To date, only lignans and isoflavones have been studied in detail. They are found in plants and fungi in pure form or as precursors of compounds with estrogenic activity: soy and legumes, many products with the addition of soy and legumes, including white bread, pomegranate, date palm fruits, young clover, alfalfa and Other nodule, linseed oil, red wine. On the issue of the benefits of phytoestrogens in a number of medicinal plants and food, there are many contradictions. In such cases, an individual approach is important.

Many doctors and nutritionists recommend food of vegetable origin with the restriction of food rich in saturated fatty acids and trans fats. Increasing the intake of food rich in fiber, a sufficient amount of liquid, reducing the amount of sugar, alcohol and caffeine are important components of a healthy lifestyle. Food rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps in preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases, the frequency of which increases in postmenopausal women. Vitamin D and calcium are necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis, so it is important to take these supplements in addition with food rich in vitamins D, E, and minerals. The use of green leaves of lettuce, spinach, fruits, cereals reduce the risk of colon cancer, whose frequency also increases during menopause.

Since many women lead a sedentary lifestyle, controlling body weight with a balanced diet is important in preventing many diseases of the female body. Physical education and sports are important factors in preventing many diseases, since they not only maintain the ideal body weight, but also protect against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, breast cancer, osteoporosis. It is optimal to use the weights for 20-30 minutes every day or every other day. Yoga, tai chi, stretch marks improve body balance and prevent falls. Aerobic exercises should be moderate and not debilitating. Jogging and for long distances in postmenopause is not recommended.

In the period of menopause and postmenopause, there are many changes in the female body, so it is important to distinguish the normal physiological processes from pathological in time, when many serious diseases can arise or worsen. Therefore, a woman should regularly (once every 6-12 months) visit a gynecologist, as well as a therapist and a number of other professionals, depending on the state of her health. It is important to prevent a number of diseases, especially falls, which often lead to fractures in the vertebrae and femur in older women and increase the mortality of this category of people.